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Win32 Freepascal cross compilers

The Free Pascal compiler is a freely available delphi and turbo pascal compatible compiler available for several different platforms. You can download some pre-compiled binaries for different operating systems on the Free Pascal web page. This page contains some pre-built cross-compilers for the Windows 32-bit platform. We are not the authors of Freepascal; for more information on the Freepascal authors consult the Freepascal web site. The source code for the files are available on the freepascal web site.


The following pascal compilers versions were compiled for the Windows 32-bit target, and can be used to cross-compile to different targets. Each of these cross compilers is about 5-10 Mbytes zipped.

Amiga 680x0 (version 1.0.10a)

Because of limited stack space on this operating system, always use stack checking when compiling applications for this target!

Binary package for Win32:

Atari 680x0 (Experimental - version 1.0.11)

The atari native compiler does not actually exist, since not all units were implemented. Furthermore, there was no native machine to test it on.

The current version of the compiler only has the system and dos units implemented.

Because of limited stack space on this operating system, always use stack checking when compiling applications for this target!

Binary package for Win32:


The license of the compiler is under the GPL, while applications created using FPC can use any license they wish.